Learn how to use the note calculator with these examples

Whole purchase, no balloon. Original principal balance of $100,000 amortized over 30 years, no balloon, interest rate 10% per annum.
What are the monthly payments?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 100000 10 877.57 360
What is the current balance if 90 payments have already been made? (Note you only change the # of payments from 360 to 90. The current balance is the Future Value)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-94105.39 100000 10 877.57 90
What is the present value of the payments that are remaining? (You will see this is almost exactly the same as the current balance just calculated, as you would expect.)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 94105.01 10 877.57 270 (360-190)
If you want to buy the remaining 270 payments to give you a yield of 15%, how much would you pay?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 67752.51 15 877.57 270
If you can resell the remaining 270 payments to an investor who wants a yield of 13%, how much would they pay? (Your profit is $76,590.35-67,752.51 = $8,837.84 excluding your costs like the appraisal)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 76590.35 13 877.57 270
Whole purchase, with balloon. Same scenario as above (Original principal balance of $100,000 amortized over 30 years, interest rate 10% per annum, payment 877.57 per month) but with a balloon in 10 years. First you need to know the amount of the balloon.
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 is the balloon 100000 10 877.57 120 (=10 years)
What is the current balance if 90 payments have already been made?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-94105.39 100000 10 877.57 90
What is the present value (after 90 payments have been made) of the remaining 30 payments and the balloon? (it is the same as the current balance just calculated)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 (the balloon) 94105.39 10 877.57 30 (120-90)
If you want to buy the remaining 30 payments and the balloon to give you a yield of 15%, how much would you pay?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 (the balloon) 84488.15 is what you pay 15 877.57 30
If you can resell the remaining 30 payments and the balloon to an investor who wants a yield of 13%, how much would they pay? (your profit is 88,195.07-84,488.15 = $3,706.92 minus your costs)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 (the balloon) 88195.07 is what they pay 13 877.57 30
How about if you buy the remaining 30 payments and not the balloon? What is the present value of those 30 payments?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 23209.13 10 877.57 30
If you want to buy the remaining 30 payments to give you a yield of 15%, how much would you pay?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 21841.76 15 877.57 30
If you can resell the remaining 30 payments WITHOUT the balloon to an investor who wants a yield of 13%, how much would they pay? (your profit is $22,374.69-21,841.76 = $532.93 minus your costs)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 22374.69 13 877.57 30
How about if you buy the balloon and NOT the remaining 30 payments? What is the present value of that balloon?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 70896.25 10 0 (you aren't getting them) 30
If you want to buy the balloon only to give you a yield of 15%, how much would you pay?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 62646.39 15 0 30
If you can resell the balloon only to an investor who wants a yield of 13%, how much would they pay? (your profit is $65,820.38-62,646.39 = $3,173.99 minus your costs)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-90938.34 65820.38 13 0 30
Partial purchase no balloon. Same scenario as above (Original principal balance of $100,000 amortized over 30 years, interest rate 10% per annum, payment 877.57 per month, no balloon ). What is the current balance if 90 payments have been made?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
-94105.39 100000 10 877.57 90
What is the present value of the remaining 270 payments? (You should get almost the identical answer to the last question).
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 94105.01 10 877.57 270 (360-190)
If you want to buy the next 135 of the remaining 270 payments to give you a yield of 15%, how much would you pay?
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 57082.32 15 877.57 135
If you can resell these 135 payments to an investor who wants a yield of 13%, how much would they pay? (your profit is $62,092.62-57,082.32 = $5,010.30 minus your costs)
Future Value Present Value Interest Rate (per year) Payment per period Total # of payments
0 62092.62 13 877.57 235

Table courtesy of: mortgage-investments.com